DiSEqC Settings

DiSEqC – Digital Satellite Equipment Control – has been introduced by the European satellite provider Eutelsat as an open standard. It enables receivers to control peripheral hardware such as LNBs, multi-dish switches and antenna rotors. In most cases DiSEqC is used for switching between satellite positions. There are different DiSEqC levels. TransEdit supports DiSEqC up to level 1.2 (which means, up to 64 satellite sources and motorized dishes), provided the DVB-S card and driver allow to send such DiSEqC commands.

General Remarks | DiSEqC Selection | DiSEqC Editor | Positioner Console

General Remarks

Sometimes DiSEqC does not work as expected. There are several reasons for it:

The situation is complicated even more by companies selling relabeled hardware of other companies, sometimes with modified drivers. If you are not sure which DiSEqC Level is supported by your DVB-S device or which device is suitable for your needs, search the DVBViewer Forum or ask other users for their experience. In some cases even the DVBViewer developers do not know whether it works or not, because it is impossible to test all available devices under all circumstances.

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DiSEqC Selection in the Main Window

The left side of the TransEdit Main Window provides a dropdown list for assigning a DiSEqC setting to the selected transponder list resp. satellite position:

Hints for DVBViewer Pro: Go to the Channel Editor. Select a root folder representing a satellite position. Select the required DiSEqC setting in the DiSEqC Drop-down List. In case of „Preset Position“ an input field appears. Enter the number referencing the desired satellite position (see above). In case of „Angular Position“ make sure that the orbital position is entered correctly, as shown in the TransEdit Main Window. Additionally DVBViewer needs to know the latitude and longitude of your site for calculating the „Angular Position“ command. It will prompt you to enter them, if not yet done. More hints concerning the „Extended“ setting are given at the end of the DiSEqC Editor section (see below).

Finally click „Apply“ in order to update all contained channels to the new settings. Please note: Though DVBViewer Pro allows to set DiSEqC per channel, it is strongly recommended not to mix up different DiSEqC settings within a root folder, in order to keep the channellist clearly arranged and the handling easy.

Hints for DVBViewer GE: Select a root folder in the channel list. Open the DVB Network Properties by clicking the Properties Tool Button at the bottom. Select the required DiSEqC Setting in the DiSEqC Dropdown List. In case of „Preset Position“ an input field appears. Enter the number referencing the desired satellite position (see above). In case of „Angular Position“ or „Extended“ make sure that the orbital position is entered correctly, as shown in the TransEdit Main Window. Additionally DVBViewer needs to know the latitude and longitude of your site for calculating „Angular Position“ commands.„Extended“ requires having entered a DiSEqC command sequence for this satellite position in TransEdit before (see below).Finally click Apply.

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The DiSEqC Editor

The DiSEqC Editor - as an extension of the TransEdit Main Window - allows entering a sequence of DiSEqC commands, which is essential in case of cascaded DiSEqC elements (e.g. a positioner behind a switch) requiring to send more than one DiSEqC command per satellite position. Additionally the DiSEqC Editor may be used for fine-tuning the single commands listed above, e.g. by adding delays or by letting TransEdit send them repeatedly, which may help if the communication between your DVB-S device and a switch doesn't work reliably.

Clicking „Apply“ in the Main Window assigns a (changed) sequence to the selected transponder list resp. satellite position and stores it in the file DiSEqC.xml (resp. DiSEqC.ini in case of a DVBViewer GE installation), that is located in the Configuration Folder (see „Info/ Configuration Folder“ in TransEdit).

Selecting another transponder list in the Main Window without having clicked „Apply“ discards all changes in the Editor Window

A DiSEqC sequence is a series of commands. Adding a command to a sequence starts with selecting an address (where the command shall go), followed by selecting the command and entering a data value. The following addresses and commands are available:

TransEdit usually inserts a delay of 100 ms after sending one of the Pos/Opt-, Preset and Angular Position commands described above, in order to make them more fail-safe. But – for maximum flexibility – TransEdit will insert no default delay if the command is part of a sequence defined in the DiSEqC Editor, but will leave inserting delays to you.

Therefore you may want to replace the (updated) Pos/Opt commands that are selectable in the TransEdit Main Window by switching to „Extended“ and by inserting according „Committed [Unchanged]“ commands in the DiSEqC Editor in order to speed up scanning and channel switching. Additionally you may omit the 100 ms delay – try if it works.

The entered DiSEqC commands are collected in the Command List that represents the DiSEqC sequence The following Editor Commands refer to the selected entry resp. entries. For multi-selection, keep the Ctrl or Shift key pressed while clicking entries in the list.

The text representation of the DiSEqC commands -as stored in the Windows clipboard – is suitable for inserting it in the DiSEqC Editor of DVBViewer Pro or earlier versions.

Copy and Paste are useful if you want to enter a lot of similar command sequences for different satellite positions. The Context Menu, that appears after right-clicking the Command List, additionally provides a Select All and Delete command.

Hints for DVBViewer Pro: DVBViewer Pro adopts DiSEqC command sequences defined in TransEdit and provides its own DiSEqC Editor. Most of the instructions given here apply to it. Go to the Channel Editor. Select a root folder representing a satellite position. Select „Extended“ in the DiSEqC Dropdown List. Make sure that the orbital position is entered correctly, as shown in the TransEdit Main Window. Click „Apply“ in order to update all contained channels to this setting. Then click „Edit“ to open the DiSEqC Editor. After having entered or changed a command sequence, click Apply in the Editor Window.

Hints for DVBViewer GE: DVBViewer GE does not provide a DiSEqC Editor, but is able to execute DiSEqC command sequences that have been defined before in TransEdit. Select a root folder in the channel list. Open the DVB Network Properties by clicking the Properties Tool Button at the bottom. Make sure that the orbital position is entered correctly, as shown in the TransEdit Main Window. Set DiSEqC to „Extended“ and click „Apply“.

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The Positioner Console

The Positioner item in the TransEdit Main Menu opens the Positioner Console. It is only available if a DiSEqC 1.2 capable device is listed under „Settings/ Hardware“. The Positioner Console provides commands for setting up and adjusting a motorized dish, and allows to enter your site latitude and longitude, that are required for sending Angular Position commands. If a satellite transponder list is selected in the Main Window, the console additionally displays site-dependent angles calculated by TransEdit (azimuth and elevation of the satellite position, motor angle).

The first step is selecting the DVB-S device in the Device Dropdown List – of course the one that is connected to the positioner unit. The Console initializes and „occupies“ the device as soon as you click one of the Command Buttons described below. If it is already occupied by a running DVBViewer instance, you will get an error message.

If your positioner unit is connected to a switch, the Console may need to send DiSEqC command sequences instead of single commands. In this case, first enter the sequence for a satellite position in the DiSEqC Editor. Insert at least one positioner command („Preset Position“ or „Angular Position“) and click „Apply“ in the TransEdit Main Window. Make sure that the satellite position is selected. After that, the Positioner Console will output this sequence when you click one of the Command Buttons, but replace all contained positioner commands (including repeated commands) by the command assigned to the Button.

The Positioner Console provides the following commands:

Drive West/East“ allows to search a satellite position. In order to get feedback, start the TransEdit Analyzer. Let it receive a transponder on the satellite position in question that will for sure deliver data. Additionally make sure that the Analyzer uses the same device as the Console, by setting it to „Preferred“ on „Settings/ Hardware“, if necessary. Now move the motor until the Analyzer receives a signal with the highest possible quality (if the device driver provides useful signal information, not all do) and data without a continuously increasing number of missing packets. Finally store this position by using the „Store Preset“ command.

Disable Limits“ has to be used with care, because the attempt to drive the motor beyond its „hard“ physical limits may cause damage. Therefore the Positioner Console displays a warning, allowing you to cancel the command before it is sent.

The PDF document „Positioner Application Note“ from Eutelsat contains additional (technical) information about the commands described above.

Site Data Section: For calculating „Angular Position“ commands TransEdit needs to know the Latitude and Longitude of your site. Enter them in the Site Data Section. If you don't know them, search the web – there are a lot of Internet Services providing such information. Clicking Apply lets TransEdit write the latitude and longitude to the file DiSEqC.xml (resp. DiSEqC.ini in case of a DVBViewer GE installation), that is located in the Configuration Folder (see „Info/ Configuration Folder“ in TransEdit).

Hints for DVBViewer Pro: DVBViewer Pro does not provide a Positioner Console. However, the latitude and longitude can be entered or changed by clicking the Site Button in the Channel Editor. The Site Button appears if DiSEqC is set to „Angular Position“ or „Extended“.

Hints for DVBViewer GE: DVBViewer GE does not provide a Positioner Console, but allows to enter or change the latitude and longitude in the DVB Network Properties, if DiSEqC is set to „Angular Position“ or „Extended“. Select a root folder in the channel list and open the DVB Network Properties by clicking the Properties Tool Button at the bottom.

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